Becker History

Whether you’re dealing with an old threat that has returned or a novel species, Becker Microbial is here for all your pest control needs.

The Beginning

Becker began at a narrow road in the Negev Desert. A team of Israeli scientists wanted to know why the ditches on one side of the road contained mosquito larvae but those on the opposite side didn’t. The cause, they learned, was a bacterium they named Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis. That’s when they called entomologist and biochemist Terry Couch with a request: why is it killing mosquitoes? And can you make a lot of it?

At the time, scientists didn’t know much about microbial biopesticides, so Couch had to begin from the ground up. As he began working on Bti as a scientist at Abbott Laboratories, bacteriologists identified another strain of Bacillus thuringiensis that they named kurstaki (Btk). Btk killed caterpillar pests such as Gypsy moths and other leaf-eating pests with the same specificity and potency of Bti. As Couch toiled to create a product that was both safe and easy to use, he realized that these pest control agents were part of a bigger biology revolution.


A History of Innovation

In 1985, Couch founded Becker Microbial Products to invest in Bacillus thuringiensis research and development. Over the past 38 years, Becker’s work has perfected the fermentation and formulation of existing Bt strains and developed a unique strain of Bti. These pesticides are being distributed in Australia, France, India, Italy, South Africa, Spain, and Turkey.

In 2022, Becker Microbial Products was acquired by Proventus Bioscience, a Canadian biotech focused on developing microbial cultures for industry use. The acquisition allows both Becker and Proventus to continue to expand their global reach.


Protection from novel threats

We’re continuing to develop innovative, environmentally friendly solutions for all our customers. Whether you’re dealing with an old threat that has returned or a novel species, Becker Microbial is here for all your pest control needs. Our researchers are continuing to improve current offerings, develop new products, and ensure all of our existing offerings continue to be safe and effective.
